1. Manuscripts submitted to Sociological Problems are considered by the Editorial Board if they have been submitted only to this Journal, they have not been published already, nor are they under consideration for publication or in press elsewhere. Contributions to Sociological Problems are subjected to review by anonymous and independent referees at the discretion of the Editor(s). Manuscripts for consideration should be sent electronically to Electronic submissions should be sent as email attachments using a standard word processing program.

2. Copyright of the published manuscripts belong to the Journal.

3. Manuscripts should not exceed 25 pages (1800 characters with space), notes and references included. Manuscripts should contain the following elements: title of the paper (in Bulgarian and English); names of the authors; abstract in size not exceeding 200 words (in Bulgarian and English); 3-6 key words (in Bulgarian and English); full text; acknowledgments; appendixes (as appropriate); notes; references; short biographical note of the authors (addresses of all authors academic positions, affiliations, research interests, email addresses, up to three main previous publications).

4. Figures and their captions are to be presented separate to text but their position in the text must be indicated (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.). Figures should be in black and white. Tables and their captions are to be presented separate to text but their position in the text must be indicated (Table 1, Table 2, etc.).

5. It is the author’s obligation to provide permission for quoting publications under the Copyright law.

6. Notes and References are placed at the end of the manuscript. The list of references includes sources which can be easily checked by the referees and by the readers as well. The marginal sources without world visibility should not be included in the list of references. Nevertheless, if such sources are necessary to be cited, they should be put in the list of notes. The position of notes within the text is marked by Arabic numerals. Internet sources are placed in Notes, not in References. Laws, enactments and archival documents are placed in References under a separate heading.

7. Citations in the main text are as follows: (Beck, 2013); if a concrete page is referred to:  (Beck, 2013: 105).

8. The references should be cited in Roman script and APA Style. If there are sources in Cyrillic script, they (authors, titles and sources) should be presented in Roman script with translation into English or by transliteration.


Arendt, H. (1997). Choveshkata situazia. Sofia: KX – Kritika i Humanism [Арент, Х. (1997). Човеш-ката ситуация. КХ – Критика и хуманизъм].

Bauman, Z. (2000). Liquid Modernity.Cambridge: Polity Press.


Foucault, M. (1982). The Subject and Power. Critical Inquiry, 8(4), 777795.

Boyadzhieva, P. (2003). Svobodniat universitet ili zenata na pravoto da budesh razlichen. Razum, 1, 108128 [Бояджиева, П. (2003). Свободният университет или цената на правото да бъдеш различен. Разум, 1, 108128].

If the source is in Bulgarian but is presented in a secondary sources, for example SCOPUS or CEЕOL, with title and Abstract in English, it is listed in the References in the following way: 

Tchalakov, I.(2011). Entrepreneurial Histories from an Elite Technological University in Bulgaria. Sociological problems 43(1–2), 154196 [in Bulgarian].


Garfinkel, H. & Wieder, D. L. (1992). Two Incommensurable Asymmetrically Alternate Technologies of Social Analysis. In: Watson, G. & Seiler, R. M. (Eds.). Text in Context. Contributions to Ethnomethodology.London: SAGE.

Kanoushev, M. (2006). Sozialno mezhduvremie i politicheska razionalnost: kum soziologia na upravljaemostta. In: Boyadzhieva, P. & L. Deyanova, S. Koleva, K. Koev (Eds.). Svetove v soziologiata. Sofia: Sv. Kliment Ohridski University Press. [Канушев, М. (2006). Социално междувремие и политическа рационалност: към социология на управляемостта. В: Бояджиева, П. & Л. Деянова, С. Колева, К. Коев (съст.). Светове в социологията. София: УИ „Св. Климент Охридски“].

If an author is cited more than once with different publications in the same year the publications are numerated with a, b etc. For example Fotev 1999а; Fotev 1999b.

9. Before publishing the authors will have the opportunity to check the proof of their paper. The proof should be corrected and returned to the Editor within a week. Major alterations to the text cannot be accepted.

10. The acceptance of the submitted manuscripts for publication depends strongly on the reviewers’ recommendations. The publishing of the paper does not mean that the editors are in agreement with the points of view advocated by the authors. The editors reserve the right to edit manuscripts when necessary. There are no page charges to individuals or institutions.